The Warriors
You need to mint at least 3 Warriors to play the game.
Warriors fight alongside your Hero. Each battle team consists of 1 Hero and 3 Warriors. And your Warriors will determine your team's combat power.
There are 5 races of Warriors with 1 of 5 random Elements also assigned to each NFT at mint, it gives a possible combination of 25 unique Warriors.
Each Warrior NFT will have the following attributes: Race, Element.
Warrior Race
There are 5 races of Warriors: Gods, Dragons, Orcs, Elves, Humans
And there will be 5 different NFT characters for each race. Giving a total of 25 unique NFT you can mint.
Race Probability and Combat Power:
Humans: 37% (Combat Power = 10)
Elves: 30% (Combat Power = 20)
Orcs: 20% (Combat Power = 40)
Dragons: 10% (Combat Power = 50)
Gods: 3% (Combat Power = 80)
Warrior Element
Your Warrior team's combined Elements determine your team's combat power against Demon bosses. Because certain Elements cause more or less damage when they face off against each other.
Elements will be randomly assigned at mint.
Element Probability:
Wood: 32%
Water: 26%
Fire: 20%
Dark: 12%
Light: 10%
Each Warrior will be limited to 15 uses.
Warriors cannot be revived. After 15 uses, that Warrior NFT will be burned and you'll need to mint a new one to replace it. Warrior life only reduce on Boss PVE fight.
Warrior with the same Element as their Hero will increase their combat power by 20%
Warrior with the same Race as their Hero will increase their combat power by 20%
Therefore, a team of Heroes + Warriors that are all the same Race and Element will have a total increased combat power of 120% <Warriors of the same race as the hero, the combat power is multiplied by the hero's level multiplier>
Mint Cost
We provide feasibility to the player to mint Single NFT or Triple NFT. Following are the fix cost of the mint:
Single NFT Mint = 0.1 BNB
Triple NFT Mint = 0.25 BNB equivalent $OMNIWARS
Last updated