The Heroes
You need to mint at least one Hero to play the game.
Heroes are the leader of your battle team. Each battle team consists of 1 Hero and 3 warriors. And your Hero characteristics will determine your team's attributes.
There are 5 Hero NFT - 3 male and 2 female. Your Hero character will be a random chance at mint. All Heroes start out at Level 1.
Each Hero NFT will have the following attributes: Race, Element, Equipment, Level, and Combat Power
The true form of your heroes are Gods, but during minting each Hero will be randomly transform to different Race attribute that determines their strongest Warrior team - Gods, Dragons, Orcs, Elves, Humans.
When your Hero is paired with a Warrior of the same Race, then you will receive a bonus that increases your combat power. Warriors with the same Race as their Hero will increase overall combat power by 20%.(Warriors of the same race as the hero, the combat power is multiplied by the hero's level extra bonus)
Race Probability:
Humans: 37% (CP 10-24)
Elves: 30% (CP 25 - 39)
Orcs: 20% (CP 40 -54)
Dragons: 10% (CP 55 - 74)
Gods: 3% (CP 75 - 100)
Hero Element
Your Hero's Element determines your team's attributes against Demon bosses. Because certain Elements cause more or less damage when they face off against each other.
When your Hero is paired with a Warrior of the same Element, then you will receive a bonus that increases your combat power. Warriors with the same Element as their Hero will increase overall combat power by 20%.
Elements will be randomly assigned at mint.
Element Probability:
Wood: 32% (Tiara)
Water: 26% (Etherio)
Fire: 20% (Solano)
Dark: 12% (Luna)
Light: 10% (Arbithro)
There are 6 different types of equipment.
Your Hero will not be assigned any equipment during mint. Equipment is something you can earn in the game through various mechanics, and then equip to your Hero to upgrade their strength.
Warriors with the same Element as their Hero will increase overall combat power by 20%
Warriors with the same Race as their Hero will increase overall combat power by 20%
Mint Halving
In order to ensure the value of the Hero NFT, we introduce the mint halving on Hero. The mint price will double up when certain amount of Heroes mint. Quote below show the mint price in BNB. It will in $OMNIWARS equivalence value.
1 - 3000 = 0.15 BNB
3001 - 6000 = 0.3 BNB
6001 - 15000 = 0.6 BNB
15001 above = 1 BNB
Last updated