Solo Fight
1st Game
How It Works
At start of the battle, Heroes are fight alone against the Demons
To play, you must have a Hero in your account
The Hero which granted with the Element and Races.
At start of the battle, the Hero will assign a set of Skill which generated randomly.
The Hero need to use the Skill wisely in order to defeat the Demon.
Combat Power and Race attribute is not counted in this mode.
OMNIWARS is the only token of the game. It's a BEP20 token.
OMNIWARS is the token used for in-game rewards; as well as the token needed to mint, upgrade Heroes, fight in battles, and other such in-game usage mechanics.
By creating an economy that both pays rewards in OMNIWARS and requires OMNIWARS to play the game, we feel we've created a balanced P2E ecosystem.
Fee and Reward
A fix $OMNIWARS token will be collected before the player start the fight.
At the end of the day, the system will pool the OMNIWARS collected for this game mode. 80% from this pool will distribute out equally to the winners that won the match against Demon on the day itself.
For Loser on the fight, you have a chance to get the Reinforcement's Equipment. The level of the equipment is base on the level of Solo Fight. Higher Level Boss will drop higher rate Equipment
Level 1
Bronze (100%)
Level 2
Bronze (60%), Silver (40%)
Level 3
Bronze (60%), Silver (30%), Gold (10%)
Level 4
Bronze (50%), Silver (25%), Gold (15%), Platinum (10%)
Level 5
Bronze (50%), Silver (25%), Gold (10%), Platinum (10%), Hero (5%)
Last updated